Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. It is an ambiguous concept. Thus, success can be different things to different people. Success to one may be to swim the Atlantic, but this does not mean we all have to swim the Atlantic. To me, I can’t think of a worse way to spend a holiday. Thus, the achievement of success depends on the goals that have been set. Thus it is an illogical aspiration rather than a reptilian instinct. If we imbibe the young that success is to raise a family, then success derives from the family. However, if we convince the young that success comes from working for someone else, then we will get a nation full of workaholics demanding stress leave. If we pump up the nationalism, we can suggest that success derives from destroying your body for gold medals in the Olympics. If the ‘private think-tank’ controlled foreign news sources push the adverts for their wars, then one could become a successful kamikaze pilot and successfully achieve a little black plaque beneath a tree in a park.
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